Anyway, the featured area of this article is South East Asia. I'd pondered getting straight to work on Europe, but being a European I figured (rightly as it turned out) that that Continent would be the easiest to define as an underground map. Better save that to last then - especially seeing as I was looking forward to doing that bit the most.
Here's the South East Asia sketch below. As with all the areas of the world (yes, even Europe), it took hours and hours of trial and error and atlas scanning before I was happy with the end result.

This isn't the sketch that was produced on the plane from Auckland to Sydney, but it was this area that was featured - in a much rougher format at that time.
Back in Sydney, and England were fiddled out of the Fifth Test as Steve Waugh was out around three times before the umpire finally gave him out. The Aussies were in a bit of a panic as Andy Caddick and Steve Harmison set about them, but they scraped home in the end to put the seal on a good old fashioned drubbing. Still, Sydney's a nice place!!
More incursions into Asia next time.
This finished artwork from an Antipodean viewpoint, 'Antipocentric' is available to to view and purchase online @ Gallerisation

[Online gallery artwork is necessarily small in order to avoid reproduction]
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