Friday, June 15, 2007

First Steps - 5 years ago: End December 2002, Auckland

By the time I'd left Melbourne, Melbourne was on the map, and before I'd touched down in Auckland, that city was also represented. A rudimentary plan of the area took shape on the plane, but there were questions to be addressed:
  • Should the lines go under the oceans? Yes I supposed so - this is a fantasy underground map after all.
  • What should constitute a station? Should it go on city population or general area population? A great deal of Canada would suffer from severe stationlessness if either of these became the rule, so a mixture of both with a dash of common sense and aesthetic licence was to be employed.
Shown here is one of the first sketches:

As I was in this part of the world it seemed like a logical place to start. I reckoned that a line covering east coastal Australian cities might do well to carry on through Papua New Guinea and up the Eastern Asian seaboard, a line could take in Alice Springs and Darwin before moving into South East Asia, and another could cut across to the west of Oz before moving up into India. As it turned out, Perth was the last stop on that line as the Darwin line took in India.

This part of the map was a joy to create along with many other parts; many regions proved to be a nightmare!

More soon

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Inception - 5 years ago: 29th December 2002, Melbourne

It's December 2002 and I've just witnessed England's demise at the hands of the Australians in the 4th (cricket) Test match. There's another Test due to start in Sydney in a few days and I'm off to see my friends in Auckland after that before flying home via Hong Kong. Home's 11,000 miles away in Yorkshire, England and it's new year. Wouldn't it be great if it were possible to just jump onto the World Tube, pop home for new year and then pop back to watch the 5th Test?

The seed was sown...